HIV Ireland is launching a campaign to address HIV-related stigma and raise greater awareness about the facts of HIV among the general public with an emphasis on the messages Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) / Can't Pass It On, a key message in tackling HIV stigma. The aim of the campaign is to combat HIV-related stigma, highlight the impact of stigma on people living with HIV, including in particular within the community of gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (gbMSM), and to promote allyship and solidarity for people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS among the wider population. The initiative will build on the success of previous "U=U" campaigns undertaken by HIV Ireland and the Health Service Executive. The project will utilise both print and digital advertising content, including video content, for use online and through social media, in public spaces, on billboards, bus shelters, restrooms, social venues and physical advertising infrastructure. Content will be developed and designed in consultation with people living with HIV and members of the gbMSM community.
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