Organisations have now been selected. Find out more about the successful projects below. Impact Challenge on Climate 2020

Let's work together to tackle
climate change Impact Challenge on Climate 2020

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The Impact Challenge on Climate commits €10M to fund bold ideas that aim to use technology to accelerate Europe’s progress toward a greener, more resilient future. Selected organisations may receive up to €2M in funding and possible customised post-grant support from the Google for Startups Accelerator and the Fellowship to help bring their ideas to life.

About the challenge

At Google, we believe that when it comes to solving a problem as big and urgent as climate change, we get more done when we move together.

We want to support the work of nonprofits, experts, and organisations that will mitigate the impacts of climate change in Europe and beyond, and increase communities’ resilience to its effects. We are looking for ideas that address topics like increased access to or use of renewable energy, decarbonisation of transportation, improvements to air quality, natural resource planning and protection, and circular economy and design.

Google’s commitment to sustainability

At Google, we build technology that helps people do more for the planet. We aim to unify our practices, partnerships, and products to foster sustainability at scale. By organising information about our planet, and making it actionable through technology, we help people make more positive impact together.

More about Google’s sustainability programme.

Meet the experts

  • Kate Brandt

    Google Sustainability Officer

  • Nico Rosberg

    Sustainability Entrepreneur and Formula 1 World Champion

  • Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE

    Space Scientist, Broadcaster, and Author

  • Ivo Mechels

    Executive Director, Euroconsumers

  • Angela Churie Kallhauge

    Head of Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition Secretariat

  • Lea Kauppi

    Director General, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)

  • Francisco Ferreira

    President of the Board of ZERO - Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System

  • Leonor Sottomayor

    Head of Public Affairs, Sonae and Vice-President, Sociedade Ponto Verde

  • Rita Schwarzelühr Sutter

    Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

  • John Gormley

    Former Irish Minister for the Environment and Chair of Screen Producers Ireland

  • Brune Poirson

    MP, Vaucluse; Former French Secretary of State for Ecological Transition and VP, UN Environment Assembly

  • Katharina Fegebank

    Deputy Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

  • Francisco Román

    Chairman of the SERES Foundation

  • Dr Yumiko Yasuda

    Senior Network & Transboundary Water Cooperation Specialist, Global Water Partnership

  • Dr. Kirsten Dunlop

    Chief Executive Officer, EIT Climate-KIC

  • Phillipp Schindler

    SVP, Chief Business Officer, Google

  • Kiara Nirghin

    GreenTech Youngster Award Winner

  • Leonie Prillwitz

    GreenTech Youngster Award Finalist

  • Anna Luísa Beserra

    GreenTech Youngster Award Finalist